The first exchange phase in South Africa is over and we are stunned. Stunned by our great particpants, their openness and motivation for the project #superstars SThe first exchange phase in South Africa is over and we are stunned. Stunned by our great particpants, their openness and motivation for the project #superstars Stunned by the partner, Amandla and their dedication for the bigger goal. Stunned by the experiences and personal encounters we had. Under the umbrella ‘gender and sustainability’ (SDG 5) we had the chance to meet experts in Johannesburg and Cape Town, to join challenging discussions and to (ex-)change point of views. At the moment, our participants are working on their learning materials and we are preparing the second exchange visit to Berlin. Let’s push things forward! With great support and thanks to @safe_hub_berlin @ctcten_safehub @lernzentrumherthabsc @fanprojekt_wuppertal @engagementglobal the departments for sustainability in #treptowköpenick and #charlottenburgwilmersdorf Photo credits to @marcus_with_c @paulakraehe and @mckrabbe

We continue with the second exchange visit in May. Berlin is calling!